
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

For the Milk Man

Ron is our milk delivery guy. Once a week he would come by and drop off our dairy order into the delivery box. At the end of the month he would send us an invoice and I would put the payment in the mail with a card. This month-end I know exactly what kind of card I will be sending in with my check.

When I first saw the Oishii SVG set, I knew that I had to make notecards out of the milk carton SVG file. The straight edges would make it super easy to make a shaped card. Using Make-the-Cut, I used the Shadow Layer tool to create the card base. To learn more about making your own shaped-card, just click on this tutorial.

I thought I would use my cricut to make the notecards but the cuts were so disappointing that I had to do a re-cut with my Silhouette. Here, take a look at the picture below.

The milk carton on the right was cut by my Cricut Expression while the one on the left was cut by my Silhouette SD. I was stunned by how poorly the Cricut machine cut. All the circles turned out to be more oval-shaped than round. I was also dissappoined that the Cricut was also not able to cut the mouth correctly. Here's a close-up:

Thankfully, the Silhouette cut so much better and after gluing down all the layers, my notecards are completed.

I think the cards look even better standing right next to The Real Thing. ;-)

Here's another view of the notecards.

To make your own milk carton notecards, just click here to get the Oishii SVG set. Then, go here to learn how to make a simple card base for shaped cards.


  1. Oh my-how cute! But I am amazed that you have milk delivery there. I didn't know that was still done! We live in the middle of farm country but we have to drive to the store to get milk. No fair! lol

  2. LOL. We love having milk delivery. Ron is so awesome, he brings us our order be it rain, snow, or sun! :-)

  3. Love this cute card, what a great card! We still milk delivery here too!

  4. Ok, so I should have had these a few weeks ago when I did a Milk and Cookies baby shower for a friend. These are too cute:)
    So, do you think you will stick with the Silhouette SD? It seems like it does a lot better then the cricut. I can't believe it.I think my hubby just gave me the ok to buy me something "nice" and I am really wanting to buy another machine. Just wondering where you are with this process:)

  5. Absolutely adorable! I bought many and this one was in the bunch!

  6. Wow! Maybe it's a blessing after all that MTC doesn't work with cricut machines anymore. I never knew what a poor job the CE did until I saw your comparison. I've always had trouble with smaller images, but I thought it was the size I I'm thinking it was just the machine.

  7. What an adorable card. I want this set but have been holding off till they release the Ninja set. I always knew the Cricut didn't cut correctly but thought I had no other choice. Not now, can't wait for my Gazelle to come in!

  8. Ron is going to be so tickled! Very cute notecards.

  9. Those are adorable. I think your milkman will be thrilled! :-) I can't believe the difference in cutting between the Cric and the Sil! I have had weird cuts with my cricut and always assumed it was either somnething I did wrong (LOL!) or because I didn't update my SCAL often enough. (like for example the starting point and ending point don't match exactly when cutting a card base)...

  10. These are sooooo cute!!
    The side by side comparison of the machine cuts says it all doesn't it - the 1/4" circle cut test was the final straw for me in my decision to switch to the Silhouette a couple years ago. LOVE my Sil!

  11. These are adorable cards Jin!!! Ron is reallly going to like this one! Do you still have two more machines that you are waiting for? I can't wait to see what they can do. I wish the silhouette cut up to 12". I do too many projects that are larger to want my machine to go down in size. But wow there is such a difference in the cut between these two!!!

  12. These cards brought a smile to my face!

  13. These cards are so cute! How I wish I had milk delivery! I am amazed at the difference between the Cricut and Silhouette. I didn't realize how poorly the Cricut cuts! I can't wait to see your other reviews on the larger machines.

  14. always! Thanks so much for the comparison. I'm eager to see how the other two machines you are getting will do. The silhouette appears to be doing a FAB job and the price is certainly right. Eager to see the Gazelle (which I think you said is on it's way) and the Lynx. I've read so many kudos about the Lynx, but the price tag is pretty high and if the silhouette compares well (except for width of possible cuts, of course), it may be my next new toy. Again, thanks so much Jin.

  15. How cute! I didn't know they still delivered milk anywhere. They used to deliver it here when I was very small.

  16. It's very cute...but WHY do you like the milk man SO much? hahaha.
    I love milk too and if someone brings it to me they have my everlasting love;)

  17. Hahahah! Actually Ron's wife is in charged of the accounting but she's also an accomplished artist. She's one of those people who actually appreciates homemade-anything. She once wrote me a note saying that she enjoys my cards very much. Somehow I think she'll appreciate this card even more. ;-)

  18. :) perfectly wonderful customer -you are! I think she will adore this card!

  19. I just came across these while searching for why my cricut doesn't cut round circles. I love how the silhouette cut. Is there any reason to have two machines. I would like to replace my cricut, but am wondering if it does any particular thing better than the silhouette. I don't use cartridges so that is not an advantage to me.

  20. When I was a kid we had milk delivery. It was great. I haven't seen it for so long, I didn't know it was still around! Cool cards!
