
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Electronic Cutter: The Silver Bullet

As part of the ongoing series on electronic cutters that are compatible with Make-the-Cut, I am adding this informational piece sent in by Dawn Grantham of Thyme Graphics.

Please note that this is not a user review as Thyme Graphics is a distributor of this cutter. According to Dawn, the Silver Bullet uses the same plug-in as the Black Cat Cougar to cut from Make-the-Cut.

Thank you, Dawn, for sharing this information with the readers of this blog.

If you have any questions regarding the Silver Bullet, please contact Thyme Graphics at

---------------start of writeup--------------

The Silver Bullet is the natural successor to the Black Cat Cougar. The fastest, quietest machine available anywhere it has all the features of the Black cat Cougar plus more -

Available in 13” 15” 18’ and 24” cut widths
Ultra High Force of 950grms in 255 individual steps
Top speed of 800mm/sec
Laser Alignment
Newly developed motherboard and powerful new motor for even smoother, faster, quieter operation
4 individually operated Pinch Wheels on every size of machine, you choose to use 2, 3 or 4 pinch wheels
Tried and Tested chassis as used in the Black Cat Cougar
Lid is designed so all wires are safely hidden
Raised control panel for easier viewing and access
Repeat Function
Multi-pass function
New menu options for future accessories
Each machine has a carrier mat the full width of the cutter
Available in a range of sizes
Includes Scal 3 Software
Compatible with XP, Vista 32 and 64 bit, Windows 7 and Macintosh
Silver Bullet usb stick with manual and software
Personal after sales service for the life of your machine

The Silver Bullet can cut -
Vinyl, Stencil Vinyl, Paper, Cardstock, Vellum/Parchment, Glitter card - non shedding, Fabric, Felt, Fun Foam, Metal Foils, Balsa Wood, Chipboard/Greyboard, Mountboard, Double sided Adhesive, Leather, Acetate, Shrink Plastic, Glue film and many more!

You can also engrave -
Glass - toughened, Metal, Perspex and Acetate and more.

You can also emboss -
Paper, Vellum, Cardstock, Leather and more.
The Silver Bullet cuts incredible detail smoothly and quickly especially when used with our Detail Holder and Blade, but it can also chomp through thick dense media with ease! Even with all this power it runs very quietly thanks to its updated electronics.
Four pinch wheels mean the carrier mat and media are held firmly in place even when using the highest force settings.
With the addition of Scal 3 software the Silver Bullet will happily cope with even the largest of files - engraving files that take 3 or 4 hours to complete at the highest speed are no trouble to this machine.
Don't limit yourself to just cutting paper and card, expand your creativity!

---------------end of writeup--------------

Here are some photos from Dawn that show some projects done with the Silver Bullet cutter.

Again, if you have any questions regarding the Silver Bullet, please contact Thyme Graphics at


  1. I have the 24" Cougar, the predecessor to the Silver Bullet, and now also have a 24" Phoenix Silver Bullet.

    While I do not use MTC myself, the cutter is fully compatible with MTC, SCAL, Signcut and many others - There will never be the problem with third party software that other manufacturers have created.

    The SB is very significantly quieter than its predecessor, and the cut quality is definitely much improved - with vinyl cuts I get much less lifting of small parts with the SB

    The faster speed is also quite significant, not only is the top speed 200mm/sec faster but even with both machines set to the same speed the SB cuts faster due to its improved cutting firmware and more efficient processing of the raw data.

    Force wise they are both 950g, but again it would seem that the SB manages better than the Cougar, some heavy plastic polypropylene sheet I use cannot be completely cut with two passes with the Cougar but cuts completely with two passes of the SB - I assume that again the improved processing of the raw data before being translated into cutter movements is responsible for the improvement.

    While on the subject of heavy plastic, the extra pinch wheel really makes a big difference when cutting heavy media, I have so far experienced NO skewing which was always a problem with the cougar for dense chipboard and especially the polyprop sheet.

    You have extra options available on the control panel for future accessories including the option to turn soft start off which helps punch the blade through at the start with thicker media like chipboard.

    All in all the Silver Bullet is a much improved cutter, it is faster, stronger, quieter and produces a superior cut to the Cougar.

    Of course machines of this calibre come with a steeper learning curve than the lesser 'craft' machines and so possibly the most important aspect to consider when thinking about a pro/ semi pro machine is the level of support you will get with the machine.

    Without a solid after sales support system you will very quickly find yourself high and dry with an expensive machine that is unused or at best not working to its full potential. In this respect the silver bullet absolutely excels, the after sales support offered by Dawn, Sherri and Jo is legendary and the two support forums (UK and USA) they run are without a doubt the very best support system ever created.

    This support is provided free of charge, I have paid large fees to buy premium level support for other products which has not even begun to come close to the level of assistance you get with a Silver Bullet. Unless you are an 'expert' with pro level cutters then do not underestimate how important this service is as you almost definitely will at some point need it!

    As part of the support system you also get access to a huge number of tutorials in video, Printable PDF and web based formats, thousands of free cutting files and a community of dedicated owners who will if needed create a file for you. Silver bullet owners are not simply forum members, they are part of a huge and growing family all dedicated to helping each other get the very best from their cutters.

    It is not the cheapest machine on the market, but it is absolutely the very best value for money ;)

  2. I have to ditto every thing that was said above. Plus I too also have both machines. They are great. The machines them selves have always performed the way I needed them too. Everytime I have had a problem it is has been user error. Dawn, Sherri and Jo, have always offered the best support I have ever seen. Dawn is 8 hours ahead of me. And when I first got my Black Cat, of course I had to attempt a print and cut. Did it work of course not, I hadn't even begun to learn my machine, just jumped right in and expected it to perform. I emailed Dawn, and even though it was midnight her time. She graciously got into my computer and got it working. As pleasant and supportive as could be. And then let's talk about the forums. People are so kind and willing to help. How can you beat that. You have a an awesome machine that will out perform any other machine on the market, excellent customer service, and 2 great forums to participate in. Make sure though if you are going to purchase these machines, you allow for a slight learning curve. These are the big boys, not the little toy machines we are all used to. Also make sure you buy from the true sites. Thyme Graphics, That Scrap Inc. and Cutting Edge Crafts. Don't be fooled by others that claim they sell these machines. Buy the real thing, The Phoenix Silver Bullet, and the Silver Bullet Professional. You won't be disappointed.

  3. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE My Silver Bullet...on top of all the amazing mediums listed above I can add that I've cut grungeboard, grunge paper, Art Parts moldable medium and others I can't think of at the moment.....I also engrave Stained Glass, memory Glass, Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Acrylic.....this machine is WONDERFUL......your possibilites are absolutely limitless to what you can imagine!!!! I use my Silver Bullet with Sure Cuts Alot and also own MTC....

    The print and cut abilities with the machine are wonderful and with the proper attention to the initial alignment gives amazing accurate cuts......

    And the Customer Service I receive from Sherri at That's Scrap Inc is 2nd to NONE!!!!!! The forum that is available as well as the Learning Center is truly invaluable!!! This is a machine you would never regret purchasing!!

  4. I have a BC Lynx and will some day have the Silver Bullet but I have to tell you that after the horrible way I was treated by PC it was a breath of fresh air to deal with Sherri at That's Scrap. She answered every question quickly and completely, emailing me late at night with explanations of what the different blades were for etc. Then along came Tyler, and the assistance continued with explanations and videos. I am by no means a techie but just with the experience I had from the cricut and the assistance from the staff I was up and running in just a few days. There was still a lot to learn because of the capacity of the machine but I am very happy with this purchase and all of the service I have received since. Wish I could say that about many other purchases I have made over the years!
    Jan Richards

  5. I have the Silver Bullet Professional as well as the Black Cat Lynx. Both machines are superb machines. I know when the Silver Bullet Pro was being introduced to the world people were saying that it was just a Lynx in a new color body. Well, since I have BOTH machines, I can attest to the fact that they have the same body style...but that is where the "sameness" ends! The Silver Bullet Professional is like a sports car to the Lynx being a sedan. Again, both are excellent machines, just the Silver Bullet is better.

    I have cut/engraved/embossed on various media with my Silver Bullet, many of which are mentioned above. But I have also cut thinner media, such as coffee filters and tissue paper which are not mentioned. The abilities of this machine are endless as long as you are willing to try something new! All of the blades & holders will interchange between the Silver Bullet line and the Black Cat line, and any that are made in the future for the Silver Bullet will retro fit the BC's as well. So if you have a BC and want to upgrade, all of your stuff will work with the Silver Bullet.

    As far as software - the Silver Bullet Professional will work with SCAL, MTC and Signcut to cut/engrave/write on the media. And in combination with Inkscape (which is free) and other various paid programs that can save as an SVG to be sent to the "cutting" programs.

    The service before and after the sale of the Silver Bullet Professional is second to none! I know Dawn (Thyme Graphics)through the forums, but living here in the USA, my purchase was made through Sherri at and she goes above and beyond to make sure that her customers are well taken care of. (She is the ONLY authorized dealer in the USA) The web site for the Silver Bullet ( has tons of information and the forums, both here ( and in the UK( are excellent places to learn and find help. There is a Learning Center that you will have access to after your purchase, with invaluable information and videos that is being constantly added to.

    I had a Cricut Expression before my first purchase through Sherri...and I have never regretted taking that leap!

  6. I started out with a Cricut Expression. After the big ruckus of third party software, I bought a 24" Black Cat after reading so many rave reviews about the machine and the customer support. I was so thrilled with my Black Cat. It really did everything that I wanted it to do and then some. I was totally happy with my Black Cat and still am. BUT when the Silver Bullet came out...well, I just had to have it. What could be better than the Black Cat???? So I just had to find out. OMG....I was blown away. I got the 24" Silver Bullet and couldn't believe that Sherri and Dawn could improve upon the BC, but they did! I LOVE THIS MACHINE!!!! I still have my BC as a spare travel machine, but the SB is my main machine. As always, Sherri at That's Scrap, Inc. and Dawn at Thyme Graphics and Jobab in Australia, have the BEST in customer service. Really, if it wasn't for the top notch customer service and knowing that they will only sell the best that had my curiosity up so much that I went and got the SB in the first place. It's difficult to plunk down that much money and not know what you are getting, but I had no reservations about getting the SB from them.

    As someone mentioned, this is not a machine for the faint of heart. There is a learning curve. Some people pick up on it in a matter on minutes/hours and some take days. It is like learning a new car and figuring out where all the gadgets are and what they do. Takes practice. But your efforts are rewarded by having a cutter that cuts so well, so many materials, and can do so much! The forum is such a friendly place to visit and learn and there are plenty of people to help you get started. The Learning Center is awesome but the people are even better!

  7. I to own a 15 inch Cougar and a 24 inch Silver Bullet, I love them both. I wouldn't say a bad thing about either one. The machines do have a learning curve and at first I thought will I ever learn this. Well I watched some of the videos that Tyler has done for the forum and I was up and running in no time. I don't have a lot of time to experiment because I work full time so the videos were an answered prayer to me. I use Make the Cut with my machines. I haven't had time to learn inkscape yet but I hope to. I can;t say enough about Sherri's customer service at That's Scrap. She is awesome and truly cares about her customers. I love these machines and just sold all of my cricut stuff and made enough off of it to pay for the 24 inch Silver Bullet so I was so excited to get it. You will never regret purchasing one of these machines . I have owned a cricut, a pazzles inspiration, a gazelle and now I own these two machines I have sold all of my others except my pazzles. I only keep it because it is small and easy to travel with to crops. The Forum for these machines is a wonderful place with wonderful friends who truly help you whenever you have a problem or question. I love That's Scrap and both of my machines!

  8. I own a 13" Blackcat Cougar. Purchased from Sherri at That's Scrap almost 3 years ago. Sherri's service and ongoing support or I shored say friendship is outstanding. I haven't had any problems with my machine. If I upgrade, it will be a silver Bullet. Dawn and Sherri both have earned my loyalty as A customer. The only reason I haven't bought a mew machine is my cougar is still doing the work J got it for.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Why remove this post and allow the above posts?

      This type of blog used to amuse me. Very shortly after a post like this appears anywhere on the Internet the usual suspects also appear with their praise for the Silver Bullet and their God like worship of Dawn and Sherri.

      Apart from the Sherri and Dawn followers for which most of the closed circle from the closed forums they support appear above, the entire crafting world knows that the Silver Bullet is a copy of the Cougar, not the successor. It is also exactly the same machine in appearance as the older Black Cat Lynx, with the SilverBullet having some extra bits thrown in, it is hardly a design marvel.

      Anybody with any common sense can see that Dawn and Sherri are trading on the Cougar name rather than just using their own brand.

      The Cougar as far as I can see has won many awards, what has the Silver Bullet won apart from the scorn of the crafting world and a good belly laugh when doing a search for 'silver bullet' on any search engine?

      The real Cougar and its successors seem to be only available from

      If Dawn or Sherri were the real designers of the Cougar as they continue to claim, then where on their respective websites are the new cutters from Black Cat which are the Cougar+SB or the soon to be released CougarPRO.

      The answer is nowhere. Because the craft world knows now that they have lied all along, they had us all fooled initially but the longer they use the Cougar name to promote the Silver Bullet on their websites with no new Cougar stock appearing, the more obvious the lies are.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hello Anonymous, if you have any issues with your cutter or with the company that sold them, please contact them directly instead of posting here. Dawn or Sheri do not read or own this blog. You can contact Thyme Graphics at

    2. I have no issues with my Cougar, quite the opposite, the cutter was purchased from, the cutter is excellent and the support has been nothing short of brilliant from them, the blackcatforum and Colin so to suggest that there are 'issues' with my cutter after deleting my post on your blog is a blatant attempt to misconstrue what was written in my post and deleting my post restricts free speech, something I am sure most people will utterly condemn.

      My issue is the lies that continue to be spread and allowed to be spread by people like you. The facts are there for all to see.

    3. Why is it when you post your nonsense, you don't have the courage to put a real name you use numbers and letters or annonoymous. Put your big girl panties on and show who you are. And keep to the topic at hand. They are asking for reviews of the Silver Bullet, not your nonsense.

      Jin I apologize. If you need to remove my post please do. I am not hear to cause trouble I just get tired of the attacks.
      My sincerest apologies.

  11. I have the 24" inch Cougar and the 15" Silver Bullet. I purchased the Cougar from Sherri two years ago and when the Silver Bullet came out, I had to see for myself! I was AMAZED! It is AWESOME!

    Sherri and Dawn go above and beyond in customer service! They have gone above and beyond to help get people up and running! And if there is a problem, they solve it immediately! AND, they get to KNOW their customers! It isn't like walking into Wal-Mart and making a purchase and leaving...they continue with customer support LONG after the machines and supplies have been delivered!

  12. I have both 24" Black Cat Cougar AND the 24" Silver Bullet. I really didn't think that the SB would be that much better than the BC when I went and purchased it but after testing it out, I am truly amazed at how much smoother and cleaner the cuts are with my SB. As stated before, I LOVE my Cougar, but the SB truly is a step up from the Cougar. I got a Lynx for my niece and tested it out....the SB DOES NOT compare with the Lynx. I don't think that my opinions are prejudiced towards Dawn and Sherri, as I also have the Silhouette Cameo and I love that machine for the purposes I got it for. It is also an amazing machine, just not as versatile. If "we", the Cougar and SB owners that think the world of Sherri and Dawn, are loyal to them, then it because they have been there time and time again with support and quality service. I know that Sherri has always gone way beyond "service" for me, as I deal with her most often. But Dawn has also gone beyond the norm in service. I have never felt that I was just a "sale" to them.

    The SB is a GREAT machine, but more importantly, the team that sales it is AWESOME.

  13. I think anyone with an ounce of sense will be fully aware who the Anon poster above is, or at least who sent them here to try opening a can of worms :)

    Of course have claimed the silver bullet is a just a copy of the lynx, however the manufacturer of all the machines has stated that the Lynx, the Cougar and the Silver Bullet all share the EXACT same chassis. Therefore as the Lynx was the first machine the Cougar is as much a copy of the lynx as the Silver bullet is.

    The difference between them is not the chassis, it is the motors, cutting heads, motherboards and on board cutting firmware that makes them different. the Silver Bullet having greatly improved versions of all these components which is what makes it a superior machine.

    It is also quite interesting to note that after the release of the Silver Bullet machine, have announced a new machine which is in fact an exact copy of the Silver Bullet specifications! It is also quite interesting that have decided to call this machine the Cougar Silver Bullet.. This makes it quite clear in my mind who is actually leading the field and who is following ;)

    Of course this is not the place to be arguing the above, but I do get rather annoyed that a particular disgruntled seller has to seek out every forum or blog where the Silver Bullet is mentioned and attempt to belittle Dawn, Sherri, Jo and the machine they sell.

    I own both machines, a 24 inch Cougar and a 24" Silver Bullet, as such I can make direct comparisons between the two machines. There is nothing bad I can say about either, they are both superb cutters, but the Silver Bullet is without any doubt a superior machine and that is the plain and simple truth.

    As for closed support forums, yes Thyme Machines is a closed forum, this was requested by the membership NOT decided by Dawn. Due to the theft of cutting files and tutorials, created by the members for the members, and entirely too many people joining with the sole intention of disrupting the forum and generating bad feelings the members asked for the doors to be closed - something which has greatly enhanced the atmosphere and resulted in the most trouble free support forum anywhere on the internet.

    While the thyme machines forum is a closed forum we do have a guest area where others may post and ask questions, and also where we are more than happy to assist blackcat owners irrespective of where they purchase the machine, but access to the user contributed files and tutorials is only granted to those who have the good sense to buy from the sellers who really do care about the customer. I think I speak for most of the forum when I say that the tutorials and files contributed are NOT public domain and I for one do not want them being stolen for others to post on their own forums claiming that they have created them!

    You pay your money and make your choice, the wise buyers will take into account the level of support you get with your purchase and you cannot dispute the FACT that Dawn, Sherri and Jo have a long and proven history of providing the very best customer support every offered with any cutter.

  14. This is a review of the Silver Bullet Pro / Silver Bullet Phoenix - not a free for all to try and bash someone. Our reviews of the SB are just that, our opinions on the cutter and the service received from our distributors.

  15. Jin - although I do not know them - please accept my apology for the anonymous basher and their statements - some people will sink to new lows to try and create havoc. You have given reviews on several machines on your blog, and I appreciate your efforts to continue to do so.

  16. I went from the Cricket to another cutter that didn't work for me and then I got the Blackcat Cougar from Sherri and I am so happy with it cutting power! Any time I have a question I have several peope to call on and then there is the Blackcat Family for support for any question. I am so blessed to be part of this family. Customer service is #1.


  17. It is very easy to see who is following who. Sherri is the leader in anything she does. These people with the negative comments just can't stand it that they can not compare to Sherri. It's called hard work. Get off Sherri's coat tail and do some work and you won't have time to be out bashing a truly wonderful hardworking lady. If you were any kind of descent individual you would not be out bashing your competitor, you would be working on your own product. But why should you when you can just sit back and reap the benefits of all the hard work Sherri has already done.

    I own a 15 inch silver bullet and I love it. I have owned numerous machines and the silver bullet is the cream of the crop.

  18. Oh by the way, as google searching for the Silver Bullet Cutter has been mentioned as a good belly laugh, maybe a few people should try it.

    When I search for "Silver Bullet Cutter" I get over 12 pages of almost exclusively reviews and websites praising the Silver Bullet cutter. I did get a good belly laugh seeing how well respected the Silver bullet is, not entirely sure a competitor would find the results quite so amusing though - Then again, maybe that is EXACTLY what the problem is :D

  19. Since you are asking for opinions of the Silver Bullet, I will give you mine. I purchased the 24 inch Silver Bullet as soon as it was available. I sold my 24 inch Cougar, only because I didn't have the room, or the need for two cutters. I had my Cougar for 2 years, before getting the Silver Bullet, and there is NO COMPARISON, the Silver Bullet is hands down the better machine.

    As others have said, the Silver Bullet may have the same body as the Lynx, but it is what is on the inside that makes it a better machine... not how it looks. And personally, I like the fact that the control panel is raised so I can see it from a sitting position. I always hated that I had to stand up to look at the control panel on the Cougar. I don't know who's idea it was to have the control panel flat on the Cougar, but I think Sherri and Dawn got it right having it raised so you can see it on the Silver Bullet.

    I find it interesting that is now naming their "new" machine the Cougar Silver Bullet. Yet they are the ones that claim that Sherri and Dawn are trading on the Cougar name. It sounds like they want to hang onto the coattails of Sherri and Dawn and the new machine they are selling, instead of standing on their own two feet. They are the only ones that I have seen that "claim" the Silver Bullet is just a copy of the Lynx, but if they actually bought one and used it, they would see for themselves that it is NOT a Lynx. And IF the Silver Bullet was in fact a copy of the Lynx, which it is not, Why would want to name their "new and improved" machine the Cougar Silver Bullet??? Wouldn't they just be telling the "crafting world" that their new machine is "just an old Lynx with extra bits thrown in"????

    It isn't God-like worship that keeps customers loyal and coming back, it is the fact that the CUSTOMER SERVICE is outstanding. Something you don't see a lot of these days... so when you get great customer service, you want to let every one know about it. And with a machine like the Silver Bullet, it is nice to know that if you have problems, they will be there to help you through any problems to get the most out of your machine.

  20. I love my Silver Bullet! The customer service is outstanding. Any time I've had a question, I get the answer in a very short period of time.

  21. I have the Cougar and hope to someday own the Silver bullet. Sheri and Dawn are both WONDERFUL with any needs you may have and I couldn't be happier with my cutter. It is amazing and the excellent customer service is definately a selling point!!!!

  22. I have had several other cutters and recently I got the Silver Bullet and I absolutely LOVE it. It does so much more than any other cutter I have had. I am trying engraving and things I never thought I would be doing with this as I started out just cutting paper for my scrapbooking and card making. I am in "Craft Heaven" with my Silver Bullet. And I just have to say how disappointing I am with all the bashing going on...this site is to give our thoughts about a cutter and customer service and I really don't want to sift thru all the crap to find the information I am looking for.

  23. I haven't got my new silver bullet yet, but have already received amazing customer service from Sherri. She returns emails and answers her phone all hours of the night and day. I bought a cricut e 2 and it was such junk. I returned it and ended up ordering a 24" with everything because of the support and customer service from Sherri! :)

  24. I'm not anonymous. I'm just not registered.

    I AM about to buy a cutter. Now I am confused. Is there a " Cougar". A " Cougar Silver Bullet" a "Silver Bullet"??? Three machine made by two separate companies?

  25. Need some advice as to whether the 24" is worth the extra cost? Thoughts appreciated.

  26. Good Day! I am excited to say that I am on the verge of getting my first Silver Bullet Professional Cutter, but what I want to know is; what accessories come with it? And what accessories would I need to make sure I have everything? there an extended warranty option when buying new? one more thing...has anyone ever etched on glass cups?? how did you do it?? :>) thank you! Have a great day!
