
Friday, June 15, 2012

The First Knight (Jin's Make-Your-Own Knight kit)

So I've been thinking about Twin B's suggestion:

"Princesses for the girls and knights for the boys!"

Well, it didn't take that long to put together those princess kits, so I figured that the Knight from the Happily Ever After Cut Its can't be that hard to make into a kit too. So when the girls went off to school, I set down and started cutting with SSDE and the Silhouette Cameo.

If you follow my Facebook page, you would probably have seen the above picture. These are the layers that made up the knight. Yikes!

I was surprised at the number of cutouts (24!) but interestingly, it didn't actually take me very long to assemble the knight. Putting it together was easy because there are no complicated pieces. It was easy to figure out where each piece of the "puzzle" was supposed to go. In fact, after I finished assembling the knight, I added 3 additional pieces for a more interesting look.

Here is the knight that I put together:

I added red-flocking to the "feather" on the helmet

and added extra layers that were cut out from adhesive-backed metal sheet, to add interest to the sword and the helmet. 

The reflection of the material made the sword look like wood but I can assure you that it looks like metal in person.

The knight looked so cute I had to cut out another set to make into a kit just to see how that would look like.

In the same way that I made the "Make-Your-Own Princess" kits, I used SSDE and the Once Upon A Time Background Papers to design the bag toppers and notecards. The sword and shield on the bag topper were "extracted" from the knight. Basically, I just deleted the other layers that didn't make up the sword or shield from the whole SVG.

So that's my first "Make-Your-Own Knight" kit. There are a total of 17+18=35 boys in the twins' 3rd Grade classes. Because the size of the knight is wider than the princesses, I had to use a bigger bag to package it. Those 9-year old girls can be quite the drama queens and I wouldn't be surprised if they protest that the boys are getting bigger kits than the girls. 

Oh well, they can deal with that or try making a knight.

Or I could just get the boys yo-yos.


  1. Wow - amazing! All of your details and great packaging! I got a chuckle out of the yo-yo comment too.

  2. So. Damn. Cool!! I love the flocking and metal sword! The kids are gonna completely flip!!! >.<

  3. ack! you are insane! insanely talented that is! lol!
    p.s. i would get yo-yos. i am not as brave as you :)

  4. Great idea making the kits. Somebody will have their hands full when these are being put together.
