
Friday, September 16, 2011

TGIF! Seriously.

OMG! I am SO GLAD that this week is finally over. I have not had much of a chance to blog at all this week but you guys are CONSTANTLY on my mind. Hubby is out of town all week and I am home alone with the kiddies. Of course with school having just started 2 weeks ago, we are still trying to get used to the school routine. I thought that with my youngest now in Kindergarten, I am supposed to get more me-time? No way! She is in half-day Kindergarten and I'm feeling like I have twice the amount of work to do. I only get 2.5 hours of alone time a day! One trip to the grocery store and my me-time is over. One phone call from an old friend and I can say "bye-bye" to my craft hour. I'm still hopeful though that once we get settled with all the school matters and get used to the new routine, that I'll be able to figure out how to get the most out of my mommy-time. In the meantime, if you do not see any new posts from me, I am probably busy making bentos for the kids or cutting paper to decorate the class bulletin board. 

Speaking of school, I received the best surprise the other day. Nancy Wilson of the Apple Basket Teacher ( named this blog as one of her Top Ten blogs. I am so honored especially when I read that she follows 532 blogs! My blog is also just one of 2 on her Top Ten that is not a teacher's blog (the other non-teacher blog is the Krazy Coupon Lady. lol.). Thank you so much, Nancy! You can check out Nancy's blog at

I would also like to give a shout out to my friend Belinda Brown. Belinda has just opened her SVG store recently and she is working hard at putting out more SVGs on her site. You can check out her store at SVGs by Bee and if you click on the FreeBees link, you'll find some of the files that she is giving away for free! Don't forget to LIKE her Facebook page to tell her "Thanks!".

Since posting my bookmarks last week, I have received several emails asking for a video tutorial on making the clip portion. I had originally intended to get that done last weekend but when Andy released MTC v.4.0 I realized that I would rather make my video using the latest version of MTC than the one that I originally used. Since v.4.0 is still in beta (now updated to v.4.0.2), I don't know when I will actually be able to make the video tutorial and so instead of keeping everyone waiting, I am going to let you download the MTC file for the clip portion of the bookmark. Just join the layer to any shape to turn it into a bookmark. You can split it (CTRL+P) when you want to resize it.

Download the Bookmark Clip MTC file here: Bookmark Clip file

I have also added the link to the download on the original bookmark post here.

If you would like to share my file, please link to this page so that your friends can download the file from here. Thanks.


Despite being busy with the kids and their school stuff, I have been doing a fair bit of testing recently. Lettering Delights is working on A LOT of new cuttables and I am super excited at some of these new Cut Its. I would love to show you all the super cool files that I have been cutting but I think it'll be more fun to keep the suspense for a little while. I'm not going to keep you totally in the dark though, here is a SNEAK PEEK of a Halloween set that is coming out soon:

The files in the upcoming Halloween Lights are 3D. They look super cool when cut and assembled.Think centerpieces! I actually glittered the ones that are pictured above but I suppose you probably can't tell from this picture. Oh well, I guess that means that you'll have to bear with me when I show you more pictures of this set when it is released. :-P  By the way, the set does not include the orange candles or the holder they are sitting on but it does include the bigger candelabra. ;-)

Oh, if you are on Facebook you probably would have heard of the new Sew Stitchy Cut Its Bundle. For the benefit of those of you who are not on Facebook, today's LD news is that they have just released the Cut Its version of the Sew in Stitches Collection. This remake comes without the stitch lines that are present on the original clip art so that you can add your own stitching to the cut outs. If you have a Sew Easy, these would probably be the perfect cuttables for you. If you do not have the Sew Easy, you can easily add stitches the old-fashioned way using a needle and a thread to make the cutouts look even cuter.

The best thing about the new Sew Stitchy Cut Its Bundle is that it is currently ON SALE!! The 8-set collection is only $20! If you have a 25% coupon from a previous purchase, you can use that to bring the price even lower. If you do not have a coupon, just add something else to your shopping cart to bring the total to $25 and you will be able to use the coupon code SewStitchy to take $9 off $25 or more.

Just click HERE or the image above to get your Sew Stitchy Cut Its Bundle


  1. did you just see my $$$ fly by? hahahhahaha i love the sew stitch....!!!! and OMG I am sooooo excited to see the new halloween svg's!!!!!

    sorry for the many !!! hahahahahha

  2. Oh, I can't wait to get the Halloween Lights set, so cool!

  3. I love you Jin! I f'ing love you man! You're so sweet:)
    I'm digging those LD files though, wow! They always impress me.
    I hear you on the free time too! My time has been hijacked by the sugar junkies school stuff, I know I know one day I'll miss it:)
    Thanks so much!

  4. Thanks for the sneak peak Jin. Looking forward to the new stuff.
