
Friday, August 26, 2011

Hello, my name is

It was Friday morning and I was sitting in the den.

First Day outfit. Check.

P.E. shoes. Check.

School Supplies. Check.

I marked with a sharpie as I go down my to-do list.

The kids go back to school next week and I have to get everything ready. It is Kindergarten Open House day and I am preparing to bring the supplies to the classroom. One thing on my list remains unchecked: a card for the teacher.

My baby is going to Kindergarten and I am worried. She has repeatedly told me in the last couple of weeks that she is nervous and I have been trying to help her get over her fear. Today she gets to meet her teacher for the first time and I know she is anxious. 

Of all the things that I have told her, it seems that she only takes comfort in knowing that her teacher is probably even more nervous. Mrs. H is not only new to her but she is also new to the school. She is new to all the kids in the classroom, and their parents, and all her colleagues. I think that's a lot to be nervous about.

I decided to have my 5 year old make a card for her new teacher. I used a cutout from the Kyoto Kuties set and printed the sentiment on the card front with the LD Trainer Vertical Lined font. Next I printed a note using LD Trainer Vertical and LD Trainer Vertical Lined Dots. I got my little one to write on the note and sign her name. Lastly, I adhered the printout to the inside of the card.

My baby was excited when she saw the finished card and couldn't wait to get to the Open House to hand it to Mrs. H. I was thrilled that she seems to have forgotten her nervousness even if it was just for now. I hope that her card brings a smile to Mrs. H and may it calm her nerves too.


  1. Awwww, that's so cute! And a great idea! I love that you used Pandee! :-) Happy back to school to your girls. :-D

    (the word verification wants me to type something about puke, it must be because of the theme of back to school jitters... ;-))

  2. Thanks, Bee! Sorry about the word verification thingy. I've been getting spammers. :-(

  3. Cute! Such a great card! I use the LD trainer font all the time for my daughter, who is in kindergarten, and my Kindergarten and 1st grade CCD/bible school students!
    Best of wishes,

  4. Brilliant idea. Relieves the anxiety from your daughter and gets her excited for school!

  5. That's a wonderful Ice breaker for both of them :O)

  6. Jin, this is soooo super cute! I hope your daughter has an amazing first day. I'm sure she (and her teacher!) will do fantastic :)

  7. What a great idea! My baby is starting school in 2 weeks, and this is a fabulous idea!

  8. Oh wow I KNOW she will do ok...and I'm sure you know this...I betcha that teacher has done this before...I miss kindergarten, they are all so sweet still....sigh.

  9. This is such a great idea! You are such a good mommy.

  10. hope all is well on her first day on kindergarten!

    -rachel w k

  11. Oooo - how exciting - I hope she has had a fabulous day!


  12. Let us know how the first day of school went. I have one daughter in high school now, other two graduated. School started on August 22nd in Minnesota.
    I bet you will make your daughter a school memory scrapbook.
