
Monday, March 28, 2011

Oishii! Milk, Cake, Ice Cream Popsicle.

Hello Monday! 

How was your weekend? Mine went by fast but I had a great time with my family. We went to the movie theater on Saturday! If you have a child who is a fan of the Diary of A Wimpy Kid series, you have to bring him/her to watch the latest movie that is based on the books. My 8 year old twins can't get enough of the series and they have been talking about this movie (Roddrick Rules) ever since they heard about it. We finally got to watch the show and we all thought that the sequel was even better than the first movie. Even my 5 year old enjoyed it. :-)

Speaking of things that my kids enjoy, they were super excited when they walked past my laptop last Friday and saw this:

Click on image to see this set on the Lettering Delights website.

"So Cute!!"
"Mom, Make these!" 
"Mom, Make these for us!"

Those were the first things they said after they stopped oohing and ahhing over it. So while they were in bed last night, I whipped these up.

I can't wait for them to get back from school later to give these to them. :-)

(Click here to go to the Lettering Delights website so you can make your own Oiishi! set.)


  1. Love the images, so much so, I went and purchased the set. Thanks.

  2. So cute! This set is adorable!

  3. so so so cute.....a 5 year old and twins!!!!!!! OMG.....and you still have time to make fabulous cards and do tutorials on the cutting machine. WOW!

  4. Forgot to that a 3D slice of cake or a shape card? Cool! And is the milk carton 3d from Lettering Delights?

  5. @Carolina Girl (Cely) It's a 3D slice of cake. You can use it as a box to put treats in if you want to. ;-) The 3D Milk carton and the popsicle are also from the same Oiishi set. It's TOO CUTE! :-)

  6. that is the cutest milk carton I have ever seen! So cute

  7. Super cute Jin! I bought this file on Friday! I can't wait to use it! :)

    Ruthie :)

  8. Oh, I'm ooooohing and ahhhing to Jin.
    These are so cute!!!!!

  9. Thanks for showing us what the 3D projects look like. Now, at the risk of sounding loopy... in the 5th row, 2nd column... is that peanut butter (could be Nutella)? How about 4th row, 6th column... strawberry/raspberry jam? I LOVE the corndog! Kawaii :)

  10. I am a HUGE fan of lettering delights. But clue me in (I am totally clue-less!!!) How did you make them 3d?

  11. @MsJess, I can't believe I missed your question! I think you're right about the peanut butter and jam though. ;-)

    @Anonymous The files come that way. You just need to cut out the layers and assemble. :)
