
Thursday, March 24, 2011

NEWS FLASH! Want a Silhouette? Read on!

OMG! I just found out about this SUPER EXCITING NEWS! I can't give you the full details but if you want a Silhouette, you NEED to subscribe to the Lettering Delights newsletter NOW. If you are already a subscriber, make sure that you read the next newsletter that is coming really REALLY soon.

Seriously, you don't want to miss this.

To subscribe, just click here and enter your email address. Don't forget to CONFIRM your subscription on the subscription confirmation email.

Also, just so you don't miss out on any Lettering Delights news, go Like Lettering Delights on Facebook. Click here to go there and just click LIKE.

And tell them that "Jin sent you". ;-)


  1. I'm sure this is something extra special that LD has cooked up!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go LD

  2. ooooo....I hope they are giving away something...something really good!! :-o

  3. Oh my goodness Jin! You got my heart skipping a beat on this!!! I can't wait to see what it's all about. And YES...I was thinking about getting this little cutter. :)

  4. I can't wait! BTW, it's been very enlightening to read your posts about the cutters...can't wait to see what you think about the other's.


  5. Anxiously awaiting the newsletter!!!!
