
Monday, October 18, 2010

Kitty Cat Note Cards and Treat Bag

Here's an idea for a super quick note card. Using the cat image from LD's Witch One and Make-the-Cut, I traced, broke, and cut this:

The cat is set at a width of 5.25" and a height of 5.2642". The note card base measures 6.5" x 3.25" when unfolded. Just cut and glue the pieces to get this quick note card:

 I made a couple to put in my kids' lunch boxes but then I decided I would make a treat bag to store the cards in:

Isn't the bag cute? I was really delighted at how it turned out. To make it, I adjusted the cat image so that it measures at a W=8" and H= 8.0208". I cut off the top of a standard lunch bag so that it is about 5" tall before I adhered the cat face to one side with my ATG tape gun. For the back, I used MTC to cut and delete the cat's mouth and I cut off the whiskers with MTC's Boolean Join before sticking it to the bag. Of course the whiskers could also have been cut off with a pair of scissors but I really just wanted to play with MTC. :-P  My ATG tape is pretty strong and after playing with it, I'm confident that the bag will hold up if I do not put too many heavy candies into it.

My kids squealed when they saw the bag and are asking that I make them for their class for Halloween. These are so easy to put together, I think I might do just that. :-)


  1. These are super cute and adorable! Love how you made the little bag to hold all the note cards in. Super creative!

  2. EEEK--I'm squealing with delight! Love the idea for a treat bag.

  3. They turned out very cute! Thanks for shring, I'm going to have to try that out now.

  4. so cute. I love the bags. I will have to adopt that idea.

  5. This is simply adorable. I may have to make these for my daughter's 1st grade class- they would love it!

  6. I Love this idea, those cats are way too cute!

  7. Thanks, everyone. :-) If anyone is attempting to make multiples of these, if you use a 12x24 mat, you should be able to whip them up rather quickly. ;-)


  8. This is fabulouse!!!!! Did the image have lots of NODES in it? or did it cut REALLY FAST cause there were a couple of nodes in the image.

    Thanks for shareing!!!


  9. @Cats-Purrfect: I didn't time how long it took for the machine to cut the cat but I didn't feel like it was that long. I did set MTC to cut at a speed of Medium and of course I used CTRL-G several times to simplify.
