
Friday, September 10, 2010

New LD collection: Get A Job

I just noticed on the Lettering Delights website that they have a new collection out. There are 4 sets to the Get A Job collection and they are basically a "When I grow up..." kiddie theme.

The collection is currently priced at $10 but with the $1 sale, you can actually get this for $1 per set or $4 for the bundle when bought separately! I'm not really sure what I can do with the alphabet set but I like the transportation one a lot. Especially the school bus. I have to pack lunch for my 2nd-graders tomorrow and I thought I would tuck in a surprise school bus note card for them.

First, I opened the image in Adobe Photoshop and CTRL-T to set the size of the bus to 4"x2". I print it out on plain paper. Using MTC I traced the image, make a shadow, then copy, mirrored, and welded it to make a shaped card.

I cut that out with my Cricut, adhered to the page that I printed earlier and printed the bus again. I folded that now-printed cutout in half and my note card is done!

I suppose I could pretty up the card by embellishing it with glitter and adding extra cutouts for dimensions. I was going to make the stop sign stand out on foam tape and the wheels turn with brads but I stopped myself. These are going into the kids' lunch boxes and goodness knows if the card will make it back home in one piece even without all the extra cuts. Remember what my 4 year old did to the popcorn card? With or without the embellishments, I think the girls will get a kick out of finding these with their lunch tomorrow. They love surprises like that. :-)