
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mrs. M.'s Garden

Tomorrow is the last day of the school year and in the weeks leading up to this day, I have given many thoughts about my gift to Mrs. M., the twins' 1st Grade teacher. I could make her a slideshow on a dvd with pictures of the past year of all the kids from the class, just like I did for Mrs. E last year. But then I recall that Mrs. E was so moved by it that she had to choke back her tears and was not able to talk to me after she watched the show. Although I was flattered that my work evoked such strong emotions, it was not quite the reaction I was expecting. Then I thought I could make Mrs. M. a wall art using crayons to spell out her initials. I've seen that on many blogs and have always wanted to make one of those. But then I chanced upon this book:

In case you are not familiar with it, Mrs Spitzers' Garden by Edith Pattou is about a teacher who tends to her garden where the flowers are actually her students. It is a metaphoric but lovely story and it gave me the idea for what to give to my kids' teacher this year.

The first thing that I bought specifically for this project is this pair of Martha Stewart fringe scissors. Except for a rock garden, every garden has grass, right? Forget the fact that I've always wanted this but had no excuse to buy it. Now I can justify the purchase!

Next, I got a metal bucket ($2.50) from Target and about 5 lbs of split green peas ($0.49/lb) from the grocery store.

Using the Walk in My Garden cartridge, I start cutting out flowers in different shapes and sizes. But when the time came to hot-glue them to the top of the pencils, I hit a snag. You know how it is when you need a fork and all you can find are spoons? Well, I needed regular pencils that has a green body and all I could find are the yellow ones. A yellow sunflower does not look so good on a yellow stem. Ack! So I start my hunt for green regular pencils.

Thankfully, my search did not take long. I found these Papermate Earth Wise pencils that comes 10 to a pack for about $2 at the grocery store nearby. Whoa hoo! I bought them and got right back to work.

A bit of hot glue here and a blob of hot glue there, and this is what I ended up with:

I made a total of 25 flower tops for pens and pencils to represent all 25 kids in the class. But I also got Mrs. M. a gift card. How should I stick that in? I decided to do it this way:

Okay, Mommy can't be the one who does all the work. So Mean Mom got the girls to draw and cut out (By hand! No Cricut! Muahhahaha!) some butterflies and I attached them to the pencils with wire. 

I can't give a present without including a card so I also made Mrs. M one and I will get all the kids in the class to sign on it before I give it to her. This is how the card looks like on the outside and on the inside:

 Now the "garden" is almost done but something seems to be missing:

I know! How about adding this little fellow?

The 3" snail  from the Create-A-Critter cartridge is perfect for dressing up the roll of sticky tape. Isn't he the cutest thing? I even found matching erasers from a pack that I bought from Target a while ago.

 A little bit of rearranging later, and my gift is finished. 

May I present to you....Mrs. M.'s Garden:


  1. now how stinkin cute is that?...and that snail tape...adorable!...

  2. Wow..awesome job on this! Looks like hard work with all those flowers! I love how the snail fits perfect on the tape! tfs ;)

  3. So very creative, what a lovely thoughtful gift!

  4. That is a wonderful gift. Bet she loved it. Thanks for sharing.

  5. too freakin cute I love it!!!!

  6. Your garden is tooooo cute. Love it.

  7. Oh, wow, wow, WOW!!! I know she loved this--what an amazing gift.

  8. This is so cute...great job! I just got this cart last week at M's for $20....I need to play!

  9. Absolutely adorable!!! I'm sure the teacher loved it!! Who wouldn't??


  10. Oh she had to love this gift it is wonderful and so thoughtful!

  11. This is SO CUTE!! I hope she loved it!!

  12. Wow, I'm totally impressed! Not only is idea from the book adorable- but how thoughtful of you to include supplies she'll use! Awesome project!

  13. I thought the whole thing was adorable, but when I saw your snail tape...I was BLOWN AWAY!!! The Snail Tape is GENIUS!!
    Beautiful work AS ALWAYS!

  14. WOWWWW!!! Amazing! I could never be patient enough to pull this off like you did! Awesome, awesome job!

  15. Thanks everyone for your comments. I really appreciate it. I planted myself outside the classroom yesterday morning and got the kids to sign the card as they went into the class. Mrs M seemed overwhelmed by the basket but she hugged me for a loooong time after I gave it to her so I think she liked it? She really loved that the kids signed the card. My girls came home and told me that she read the book to the class after I left. I thought that was really nice. :)

  16. What a cute cute gift. I know she will treasure this for years to come.

  17. That is the most ADORABLE and FUNctional teacher gift I think I've ever seen. Fantastic!! That snail tape is pure genius.

  18. Very Cute. Love the tape dispenser

  19. This is so amazingly cute. I want to make a bouquet of flowers like that for my house.

  20. This is adorable !!! what amazing work you did ! LOVE IT ! Congrats

  21. What a wonderful gift! And Mrs. M must have loved the whole thing. Especially the flutterbys the kids made. Congrats on the Chirp mention! TFS
