
Saturday, May 8, 2010

25 favors


Three weeks ago, I received an email from my kids' 1st Grade Teacher. I have previously mentioned that I help out in the classroom. Once a week, I will go into the class and read with the children and also help out  the teacher with minor class duties. I also make cutouts for the class. The kids make story boards or construct math equations with them. Since school started last Sept, I have made over 10,000 cutouts, each measuring approximately 1" x 1". 

Now, making cutouts for the class is easy. All Mrs. M. needed to do was to tell me what shapes she needed and I'll find the image and cut them out on different colored paper. The directions were clear and simple.

Then she sent that email. She needed help with the kids' 1st grade Memory Books and thought I could help her with the 25 front covers. I was flattered that she would think of me for this project and I have to admit that I was pretty excited too. To use my Cricut and help make something for the class? Sure! The trouble is, I have no idea what a 1st grade Memory Book cover should look like. Mrs. M's reply when I met her was "Oh, anything that you come up with, we will love." or something like that. Okay, that didn't help me much but I'm fine working on a blank canvas. Or so I thought. I left school that day with a blank sheet of 9"x12" paper.

Three weeks have since passed and I have nothing. I'm officially in panic mode. I promised that the covers will be given to her this coming Thursday but I am coming up empty. Sounds like a simple enough project but I don't want it to be just like any other book cover. I don't want to stick three Alphabet cutouts and call it a day. I want it to mean something. Mrs. M. had proudly told me that a 4th Grader recently showed her the book he got when he was in her 1st Grade class and she was a little sad to see how torn it had become and so she is going to have all 25 covers laminated this year. I could tell that the yearly class memory book is a project that is dear to her.

Today is Saturday. Thursday is 5 days away. I better get started...


  1. Well, let's see. I taught first grade for 21 years so.....hmmmmm...Would it be possibe to make one that included a picture of the child or a class picture? Maybe have some cutouts around the picture that represented things they learned about or field trips they went on or any other special memories? HTH

  2. Thanks, Sally. To my knowledge, the teacher will be sticking some pictures of the kids inside the book. I spent the last two days sketching ideas but I didn't like any of them. I think I might have finally come up with something. I'm going to work on the idea a bit more and hopefully get the covers done soon. :)

  3. Good luck! I know whatever you come up w/ will be great! I have faith in you now have faith in yourself and you will be fine

  4. Thanks, Maureen. I need all the luck I can get. I used to think that I perform best when I'm under pressure. Not true anymore. These days I just freak out. :P
