
Monday, February 1, 2010

Lettering Delights' Love Pet Dinosaur

I love Lettering Delights' and I am just smitten with their Love Pets collection. The images look like they'll be good candidates for cutting with MTC and I wasn't wrong. I spent a lot less time cutting out the sheep than I did the polar bear or the eskimo girl. This dinosaur was is by far the easiest to cut. I only needed to make minimal cleanups before tracing it in MTC and cutting it out. I'll update this post later with a picture of the cut out I made.

1 comment:

  1. You did such a great job with this! I have the font Animal Occasions, which has the same animals as your font without the hearts. I have been cutting this font with SCAL to make freezer paper t-shirts. The kids love it. (which also carries these fonts) has an idea gallery you can submit to. You should think about contributing.
